Our Services

Top Assured Healthcare, provides 24-hour support for both young and old through our supported living packages. Our team of expert caregivers prioritizes assessment of each service user to know their needs and expectations for a home.

Respect is one of the keys of Healthcare delivery that we don’t compromise on. We provide personalized live in homes which helps our community of service users to build confidence and self-esteem individually.

Our homes are for 

  • People who wish to live independently but cannot live alone.
  • People who seek and need a space to build relationships and socialize without their privacy being invaded.
  • Those who needs physical help 
  • Those who need privacy and a time out from their home.

At Top Assured Healthcare, we work closely with the local authority to provide support for people in their individual homes. Despite providing support, we do so based on individual needs, rights and satisfaction. Our domiciliary care is specially designed for people who need care in their homes – the elderly, those with disabilities, those that need special Healthcare needs. All of our users enjoy proper care , be it long term or short term users.

Our training packages give room for aspiring caregivers and those already in the Healthcare line to be equipped with the right knowledge in Healthcare delivery. We produce a pool of coordinated, expert caregivers who understand time, place and satisfaction in Healthcare delivery.

An important part of living life the way individuals wish

We encourage our clients to personalize their rooms how they would like to.

A welcoming, calm, relaxing, family environment is essential for all of our services. We aim to build a lasting and easily accessible community and network for all clients, where they are able to develop lifelong friendships, to socialise and understand the importance of respect and tolerance for others’ privacy, lifestyle choices and behaviours. We also understand the importance to our clients of maintaining relationships outside our service.

Our clients will have their say in how they spend their days and live their lives the way they wish. Individual skills will be used and developed to live independently

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